When a ding, crack, or chip occurs in an outboard repair service near me, you need a skilled boat mechanic to repair it quickly. The longer you wait, the more damage will occur and the more expensive the repair will be. If you know how to do it yourself, it will be much cheaper. It will also be a lot of fun!
If you can’t repair yourself, ask around for recommendations. Word of mouth is always a good way to find an outboard mechanic that you can trust. Your local marina, the boat dealership, and friends that have similar engines may have some recommendations for you. Also check online resources like Mariner Exchange that can point you in the direction of rated and reviewed outboard mechanics.
Outboard Repair Services Near Me: Convenience and Quality in Fort Lauderdale
Look for outboard mechanics with manufacturer certifications. Yamaha outboard motors, Honda outboards, Mercury outboards and Evinrude outboards all require a different skill set than other brands of outboard engines. Look for outboard mechanics with these credentials because they will be more likely to have the experience and knowledge to repair your specific engine.
One drawback to this type of repair is that it will be fairly obvious that the hull has been repaired. This can be avoided by using light fiberglass fabric. Multiple layers of 2 to 4 oz fiberglass can be used. This can help to make the repair stronger than the hull itself. In addition, the outer edge of the repair can be stepped down to reduce the appearance of the repair.
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