The number of youth training programs has increased dramatically in recent years. In response to the youth bulge in the labor force, there are more job opening for youth as well as more training programs designed specifically for this demographic. Because youth are leaving school and having difficulties securing gainful employment, companies are taking notice and increasingly posting requirements for youth trainees. To facilitate this, the following article is discussing three issues of youth training programs that face employers:
Organizational structure. Many companies have very specific job structures which are created, maintained, and enforced through formal employment contracts and agreements. To comply with this, organizations must establish formal employment practices and procedures to govern hiring and promotion based on these contracts. To do so, the task is identifying changes that will make existing laws and regulations more effective, creating additional resources to support workers and employers in developing quality youth training programs, providing employers with the training they need, and offering information and technical assistance to assist them in implementing job-specific training programs.
Training environment. In addressing issues on youth training programs, it’s important to create an environment which is conducive to learning. While formal employment contracts might seem strict, they are still tools that allow companies to control who gets hired, when, how often, what type of training and other employment practices take place, and so on. Creating an employment model that is consistent with desired outcomes from a company is desirable for two reasons: first, a company will have a record of individuals meeting their objectives, and second, a company will have a record of the practices used and their effectiveness.
Positive impacts. Companies cannot continue to hire unqualified people if they want to prevent negative impacts on the workforce. Youth who participate in vocational training programs are more likely to be employed in the long run and more capable of performing even basic tasks. In addition, these trainees are less likely to engage in criminal activity, substance abuse, or other damaging behaviors. Even if they do end up involved in such behavior, it is significantly less likely that the impact will reach the level of damage that occurs when someone is unemployed. Employers need to provide training program participants with guidance and supervision to ensure that they understand what is expected of them.
Avoiding negative impacts. By identifying those types of activities that will lead to negative impacts on employees and the organization as a whole, companies can better select which youth training programs to incorporate into their curriculum. For example, companies that offer vocational programs for youth should avoid any activities or classes that will require participants to bring weapons to school, use drugs, or be involved in physical altercations. Likewise, companies should avoid programs that encourage participants to lie, steal, or assault other people.
Imparting skills. Youth training programs that involve apprenticeships, on the other hand, instill skills that can benefit the individual for the rest of his or her life. During the apprenticeship process, participants cultivate the ability to successfully complete projects, deal with supervisors and co-workers, communicate effectively, be responsible, work under stress, and learn to prioritize tasks. Employers who offer noemi apprenticeships also stand to benefit from these individuals because they tend to be high achievers, have good problem solving skills, and possess strong leadership qualities.