Sansevieria Varieties

Sansevieria Varieties

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Sansevieria is a plant that’s very popular for indoor houseplants. Known as snake plants, mother-in-law’s tongue or bowstring hemp, it is a durable and hardy succulent that is also easy to care for. It’s a good choice for beginners. There are several sansevieria varieties that differ in their color, leaf shape, and growing pattern. They are drought-tolerant and can adapt to varying household conditions. They can be placed in low light areas such as a spot under a north-facing window and do well with varying levels of humidity.

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The ‘Futura Superba’ Sansevieria is a rare variety of sansevieria that has olive green leaves and white and yellow streaks. It grows best in moderately bright or filtered light conditions. It does well in a pot with pumice and thrives when watered sparingly. This type of sansevieria has a unique growth pattern and is one of the most tolerant snake plant types.

Another rare sansevieria is the ‘Twisted Sister’, which has twisted leaves that create a bird’s nest shape in the container. It is a dwarf form of the Sansevieria Trifasciata and doesn’t grow taller than a foot. It has a light blue-green and silver-green color with subtle white and yellow stripes on the leaves.

The ‘Golden Hahnii’ is another Sansevieria Ehrenbergii type. It is a tall and slender sansevieria that has light bluish-green leaves with striped markings on both the top and bottom sides. This plant is an excellent air purifier and can be grown inside or outside. It is a beautiful accent in any home.

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